If you detect fungus on the feet in the initial phase and in time with treatment, there is a great likelihood of rapid recovery with a minimum number of antifungals in the majority of a health hazard (especially for the liver) through prolonged intake. paint Unfortunately, not always and not all of it is possible to react in time to the first calls, the emergence of fungal infections, since the symptoms of symptoms in the early stages is very similar, with the harmless skin. Know the feeling, if the yellow stain found on the nail plate on the toe and the first thought that cropped nothing in the head, to grow a healthy nail clean or pushed somewhere, soon. Or was there a small bowl in the interdigital folds, the 90% debt-to-dry skin and start moisturizing creams to treat. But behind all these "harmless" symptoms of the most common and hidden familiar and odious mushroom legs.
Triggering factors and sources of contamination

Pregnancy can be a reason of the development of fungal diseases, as in the case of the woman in this time, there is a strong decline in immunity and the violation of the hormone levels.
Fungus on the feet, like many other diseases, can not develop itself – for its emergence and further development of a support need environment. There are a number of factors, and comorbidities, triggering the emergence of this disease:
- a strong decline in immunity;
- the absence or violation of the personal Hygiene;
- excessive sweating;
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Obesity;
- Flat feet;
- Occlusive disease of the lower extremities;
- the constant abrasions and wounds;
- surgical interventions, etc.
We have listed the most popular causes of mildew legs, but also improper diet, or prolonged intake of antibiotics can also be a reason for the development of fungal infections.
The infection often occurs after the use of shoes people who are sick or visiting in public showers. In the last few years also noted the rapid growth of the spread of fungal infection through manicure equipment. To be attributed to the sources of the infection still can be:
- Toiletries Sick People (Sponge, Pumice Stone);
- Things of an infected Person (socks, stockings, shoes, Slippers, pants);
- Floor (especially wood) in the pools, showers, gyms.
The excitation of the fungus on the legs is very resistant to the environment and are characterized by the fact that it can be a long time in a latent condition in wood, cloths, socks. During the acute – spring and autumn.
How to recognize fungus on foot in the early stages?

Here experienced dermatologists recommend it to the attention not only to external but also to internal characteristics. Make sure that all go in the bathrooms, swimming Pools, sun-bathing on the beach, but the fungus attacks only the individual people? The thing is that it is for his development of a support needs environment – reduced resistance of the organism. This condition can occur in the presence of concomitant diseases or recently migrated therapeutic measures, in which the used antibiotics or hormone supplements.
Now let us discuss the appearance of the fungus on the skin of the legs. The main symptoms are:
- Cracks in the interdigital folds;
- Desquamation between the toes;
- Hardening of the skin on the heels;
- the skin on the soles of the feet, on the toes.
- Deformation of the nail plate (thickening or thinning);
- Discoloration of nails (yellow, brown, black);
- Redness and swelling of the feet;
- the emergence of the red spots on the thighs and the inside of the legs;
- Scales on the entire surface of the foot;
- Itching of varying intensity (depending on the localization and excitation);
- foul odor (most common in people suffering from excessive sweating).
In the case of deep fungal infections, the formation of blisters, crusts and fissures, accompanied by severe itching and painful sensations occur. In some cases, the lesions are in areas that, due to the severe pain may not be possible on the leg. This may, for temporary loss of work ability and problems with the movement going.
Varieties and classification
As you already, mycoses can by different excitation, starting, vary the localization of the lesions, lesions can know. The most common fungus on the feet can be caused by:
- dermatomycoses;
- Candido Mycosis;
- deep Mycosis.
All of the Tinea pedis today as an independent disease, which is localized by various pathogens and in a variety of areas of the feet, but all United by one name – the fungus on the legs. The most common of them:
- Rubrofitiya Stop. About 60% of all fungal infections of the feet. The highly contagious differs, and prevalence among certain layers of the population. At the beginning of phase rubromikoza Stop characteristic lesions between the toes, folds of the legs. Later in the process the sole and the inner side of the sole of the foot involved. The defeat of the nail, the plastic in rubrofitii occurs in every third patient. Quite often combined with a fungus on the hands, especially when generalized rubromikoze.
- Epidermolytic Mycoses. This includes two of each of the diseases – Epidermofitiya Stop and Epidermofitiya include creases, inguinal-femoral. In both cases, the lesions are localized on the legs. Epidermofitii Stop characterized by the defeat of the folds between the toes, the sole and the back of the foot. Rare process of the spread to the nails (in General, V I and toes). Lesions covered with scales and crusts. Present itching of varying intensity. In acute cases, there may be discomfort, and headaches. Inguinal Epidermofitiya manifests itself in the Form of large, resulting in a scaly patches in the groin, on the inner side of the legs, hips, and perianal area. The lesions reach a size of a large plate, accompanied by a little itching, flaking and swelling.
- Onihomikozy. With each passing year, the prevalence of fungal infections of the nails is growing steadily. It is only now (according to the statistics for mid-2016) in 10-18% of Russians onihomikozy nails determined in varying degrees of severity. Of great importance in their development environmental and social factors play. Also in danger of people having problems with circulatory, immune and endocrine System. Men suffer from 1.3 times more often than women. In children onihomikozy are very rare, the Peak-prevalence in people over the age of 50 to 70 years.
- Candidiasis. Rare, but nevertheless, there are cases of lesions of the feet fungi Candida. In some cases, Candida balanoposthitis can afford to treat spread to the genitals and perianal'nuû-femoral folds. Some common yeast-like fungi meeting on the nails. In the initial stage there is pain in the nail fold, the contact pressure on the facilities. With time, its color is brown-brown hue is acquired.
There are rubrofitiya smooth skin, but lesions in her rarely on the legs. But rubromikozu characteristic lesions in the groin area inside of the legs, red spots.
Treatment and prevention
Diagnosis of the fungus on the legs includes the inspection of the clinical picture, take scrapings of the lesions, the implementation of microscopic investigations (see strands of mycelium) and bacterial seeding for the Definition of the culture of mushrooms. Before the visit, the doctor will not treat lesions no means! Differential diagnosis is with eczema, skin rashes and contact dermatitis.
The treatment Epidermofitii rubrofitii and in the groin area is by the outer drug (usually clotrimazole). The forecast is positive, the duration of the therapeutic measures is rarely more than a month. As a prophylaxis, the treatment of lesions of alcoholic solutions, it is recommended that, in the presence of itching, antihistamines can be prescribed.

More difficult Affairs with athlete's foot and onychomycosis, as even the start-up phase they are very difficult to treat and prone to relapse. The most effective combination is considered to be Outdoor and systemic medications, strict adherence to the dosage, the rules of personal Hygiene and disinfection. To take a well-established combination of capsules diflucan and terbinafine in the Form of ointments (treatment of lesions of 2P/D. in the course of the month). Great attention with a fungus of the feet, it is the processing of the shoes and socks that may be the cause of the refund if paid for. Socks, it is desirable, cooking or washing at a temperature of 90 degrees, insoles and shoes inside the treatment of a solution of chlorhexidine to.
And, above all, remember that today is the fungus on the legs, discovered in the early stage is successfully treatable with the help of modern medicines, but the current onychomycosis and Tinea pedis treated for months or even years can be.