Get rid of onychomycosis on the great toe

Fungal nail plate on the legs onychomycosis called. First of all, the infectious process affects the thumb, but the development also extends to others. The disease goes through several stages. The sooner a therapy begins, the easier it is to deal with the Problem. This is particularly in relation to the nail of the thumb of the lower extremity: he has a great bed, and sizes, so that the extent of the lesions significantly.

Fungus of the great toe

The stage of onychomycosis

Fungal nail plate through several development phases, each characterized by certain symptoms. These phases of the development of the disease differ:

  • In operation. At this point, visible pathological deviations are not observed: the changes are to the external nature. Nail plate on the fingers of the lower limbs lose their luster. On the surface white spots or stripes may appear. Overall, the nail is looking healthy, the person does not feel pain or discomfort. If onychomycosis, in this stage, you can get rid of fast enough.
  • The average, or progressive. Pathological changes in exposed to the structure of the nail. Plate Are a distinct yellow, splinters and breaks. In addition, an unpleasant odor from the affected foot is formed.
  • Started, or dystrophic Phase. It is the depth of nail infection happens. In this case, infectious process goes with the big toe on the other. The entire surface of the nail plate affected mushroom, and peels out of the bed, relaxed. Patients concerned about severe itching. When the pressure on the affected by the pain and feeling of Pulsation arises. For this reason, the Patient cannot wear closed shoes.

Dystrophic stage of onychomycosis

On the third step of the infection process and a possible contamination of the skin of the sole of the foot. In this case, the cure of the fungus is can only) with the help of complex therapy, which involves the use of topical preparations such as and systemic effects of drugs (tablets for oral use.

The reasons for the development of the fungus on the big toe

dystrophic Phase

The main causes that lead to the development of onychomycosis are:

  • Contact with a Person who is a carrier of a fungal infection;
  • Failure to respect the rules of Hygiene;
  • the wearing of a stranger or tight, are not suitable in the size of shoes;
  • weakened immunity;
  • Visit the baths, saunas, swimming pools or Beauty Salons where they can be used, non-disinfected tools;
  • Injuries of the nail and the skin that surround it;
  • Flat feet;
  • prolonged intake of antibiotics;
  • Hyperhidrosis (increased sweating in the area of the feet);
  • the presence of endocrine or immune lesions;
  • Breach in the circulatory system, which is particularly important for older patients;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Diabetes mellitus.

Flat feet — one of the causes of onychomycosis

An important factor that increases the risk of onychomycosis, is the age. Older people suffer from poor blood supply to the extremities, which also increases the risk of fungal infections. The causative agent of the disease falls on the nails or the skin with infected objects or by contact with the carrier. The pathogen spreads quickly, grabbed the new land. In subungual space mushroom plate or areas of the skin that is around you passes through the damaged areas of the nail. The fungus spreads rapidly in the direction of the nail box. The speed of forward movement is greater than the speed of growth of the plate. Soon the pathogen reaches the target and provokes changes in the structure of the nail. Found that the fungus suffer 3 times more often men. Nail plate beat such species of fungi as dermatofita, mold, and yeast-like fungi.

Flat Feet Cause

If it's worthwhile to see a doctor?

A doctor you should see when the first manifestations of fungal infections of the. Do not wait until clear signs of the disease: the formation of white spots and even mild itching in the area of the stop should be considered as a reason for the reference to the expert – the mycologists or dermatologists are starting to show.


For diagnostic measures, reveal with the disease and the stage, include:

  • Visual Inspection Of The Nail Plate;
  • Fence tissue sample of the affected nail;
  • Kültür research – seeding from the patient material obtained on a nutrient medium for the determination of the types of microorganisms in nails subject.

In some cases, an expert is the differential diagnosis of and distinguish onychomycosis from such diseases as lichen planus, Psoriasis, keratoderma.

In the treatment of fungal infections of the nail lesions in the early phase of the development

If the disease was revealed in the initial phase of dealing with him, it will be much easier. In this case, the application of the resources of the local character of the directly on the affected nail is usually sufficient. The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the nail plate and can vary from two to four weeks. All the medicines are for the treatment of mild forms of fungal infection of the nails, must be prescribed by a doctor.

Thérapie current onychomycosis

In the case of severe mushroom, and also in the case of an ongoing infectious process, shows the complex treatment. Necessarily antifungals system naming principles, if there are no contraindications. Patients prescribe medication:

  • Systemic antibiotics in the Form of tablets. The active ingredient of the drug is achieved localization of the pathogenic microorganisms and provides fungicidal effect.
  • The drug inhibits the development of the causative agent of the disease and they are destroyed. The course of treatment and the dosing of the treating physician determined. Means of side effects caused.
  • The drug has a fungicidal effect. Active substance after the plate is built in layers of the nail to allow those fungi to destroy, are not deep enough.

Also, while the fungal nails effective procedure, which enable it to get rid of the infected plate. You can do this in this way:

  • Surgical Removal Of The Body. Such a method comprises podawanie plate surgically sharp device and tear it down from the bed. Bandage after the Operation. Surgical technique traumatic and is rarely used. Instead, invasive methods of practice to a minimum.
  • Delete plates with the help of chemical agents that contribute to possible spalling affected nail. In this case, the problem area is treated with a special solution , wait until the drug begins to act, and then to employ tools that help you quickly of the plate from the nail bed separate.
  • The Laser Treatment. It is a modern pain-free method that allows to quickly get rid of fungal infection of the nail. The Laser homeopath heating on the plate, as quickly as possible to high temperatures. The beam penetrates deep and neutralize pathogens. Method of bloodless, painless and completely safe, as it causes no burns.

In the advanced stage of onychomycosis must carefully follow the instructions of your doctor, since the lack of adequate treatment increases the risk of generalized destruction of the body fungal infection.


Traditional Methods

The treatment of nail fungus on the big toe can also be carried out with application of methods of traditional medicine. One of the roads to carry the additional in nature and should not serve as the basis of therapy. To make the most popular natural remedies are as follows:

  • Add The Chopped Onion. Several loops of light bulbs on a grater and add to the resulting mass to the affected nails. The top binding fix. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, rinse.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. The affected feet before they keep him in the bathtub with water, around the nails is softened as much as possible. After that, remove the top layer of plates. A piece of gauze in hydrogen peroxide to soak and wrap the finger member of the finger with the affected nail, grabbed the direct lesion. Leave on for 40-50 minutes. Repeat the procedure up to two times per day.
  • Of Apple cider vinegar. Important you use a natural product. Take add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and the same amount of vodka, and a tablespoon of Glycerin. In the obtained composition, you dip a cotton ball and apply to the nails for 15 minutes. Repeat 4 times a day.

The people's recipes relief of symptoms and discomfort to eliminate, but they are not able to destroy the causative agent of the disease.

The course of the disease and peculiarities of the therapy of nail fungus in children

In children onychomycosis meets only rarely. The main reason of the disease is weak in force of incomplete immunity to the perfection. The symptoms of onychomycosis in children are:

  • the loss of the plates, their natural pink color, the appearance of gray or white spots on the surface;
  • Unevenness and roughness of the nail plate;
  • crumbling and brittle nails;
  • Redness and swelling of the skin that surrounds the infected nail a child.

For the treatment of nail fungus in children in General, only medicines topical application. If necessary, prescribe, and System Tools. The safest place for the child, the capsules are . Antifungal medication for taking should appoint only the doctor.

The specifics of the treatment in pregnant and lactating

In pregnancy high risk of onychomycosis, if a woman suffered a disease and not be definitively cured. This is connected with the weakening of the immune system, what happens during the pregnancy. It is important, in time to cure fungus, since in severe cases it creates the risk of joining of bacterial infection that is a threat to the health of the mother and the fetus. The medication not be used during pregnancy, as they have a high toxicity. During pregnancy and lactation the use of local medicines, but only those which are safe for the expectant mother and her child. should These include sulphur ointment, salicylic -, Amica Cola ointment include.

cold-rolled powdery mildew

The treatment in elderly

In the elderly decreased immunity – natural age-related phenomenon, which creates additional risks for the development of onychomycosis. In this case, the specialist will also care in the choice of means for the treatment of mildew of the nail plate. The prescribe medications, if the disease lasts for a year and more, as well as in the case of large lesions, and degenerative changes of the nails.

Prevention measures

If there are signs of mildew on the little Finger or the big toe, you should immediately consult a doctor. But you can take measures to prevent the development of this disease. Such recommendations are to be observed:

  • wash your feet at least once per day;
  • daily socks to wash and clean, tighten;
  • in case of increased sweating in the medium for a Stop, use a special deodorizing;
  • you wear shoes, the right size, not too narrow, should, they, too, should be washed daily;
  • you will only use the personal means of Hygiene, as well as tools for manicure and pedicure;
  • during a visit to the Pool, beach, Sauna, personal rubber shoes;
  • wash your feet with water and soap after visiting the swimming pool, the Sauna, if necessary, to use pharmaceutical agents for the prophylaxis.

Nail fungus on the feet – a disease, the cure is quite difficult to be on the stage of Progression. At the first signs you must consult your doctor. The treatment depends on the stage of the development of onychomycosis: the first time you have enough medication, local measures, during the execution of systemic antifungal agents are required.